We Will Go, To Bangkok

Hello everybody! First off I just want to apologize for not being able to put up some blogs for the first week I have been in Bangkok! The WiFi is not always the best here and seems to not like me especially. I thank you for your patience! Alright, now onto this journey we have embarked on in Thailand. Let me first start this off with a praise of thanks to God for being able to be apart of a sending church and for the team over here in Bangkok. I am honored to be serving alongside these brothers and sisters in Christ. I am so thankful to have this calling on my life to reach out to others in distant countries like Thailand, and be able to share the love that Christ has bestowed in my heart.

So jumping right to the first day of this week, we learned about why God is about to break Thailand and make it an opportune time for Him to show the people His love. This time is being called P.E.A.K..  The P and the E stand for the political and economic situations happening in Bangkok has we speak. A stands for the 1 million people that are infected with aids. The K stand for the 84 year old monarch of Thailand, Bhumibol Adulyadej, which also the longest standing monarchy right now in history. These are all very fragile subjects for the Thai culture and will soon be in head lines in the coming years. Even after the flood a couple years back, what a great time for God to move right in on the picture.

A great way we also get to minister to the Thai’s is teaching them English. yes, such a simple thing to do, teach English. The Thai people crave for English and we are the ones they can learn from. It is a sweetous way for us to make friends, invest, invite them to church, challenge them, and to be examples of Christ. Language is learning, is ministry.

A heartbreaking situation the enemy puts in front of our eyes here is of course the culture of Thai Buddhism. Man, I honestly do not even know where to begin with this. I could right a whole blog about how much stuff is complied in this belief and it still would not make a lick of since. Trust me, it does not make a lick of since to them either, but they have only known this. The belief is basically basically an umbrella with of course Buddhism, but then it has Hinduism (which is funny because Buddha started Buddhism to stray away from Hinduism) animism, ancestor worship, superstition, and anything else that sounds good to them. I am trying to be as blunt as possible with that last comment because it’s the truth. If it is good, it will get them merit (a way they count their good and bad deeds). They might even here about Jesus, not actually knowing His love, and try to put Him in the situation. It is honestly, just a big circle of no hope. I mean they do not know why things happen. For example, if their house got flooded, then the “spirit” of that land was mad at them because they obviously did something so bad for it flood their home. If you asked them why it flooded their house, they could not tell you why. It’s so sad. I mean they worship these little small “spirit houses” so they can receive merit. It is so sad to see a person put their trust, and I say trust because it is not hope, they know that life is apparently just a circle and they just keep on getting reborn into something smaller because they are not good enough.They do not know the true love of Christ. That’s why we are here. Now this is only a glimpse of it. I could write a whole blog about this, but I must continue on what has happened so far. Hopefully in the blogs ahead, I will be able to go into more detail about it and you can see more examples.

Seriously what I am learning about missions is awesome! Most of us, including me, have this idea that there are only some verses here and there that really tell us about missions and God sending us. God telling us about missions happened all the way back to Genesis 1:28 when God said to humankind, “Be fruitful, and multiply, fill the earth.” This is the the story for the rest of the Bible. Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth. Yes! I could though some verse out for yall, but I’m going to leave that for you!

That wasn’t all of what I’ve learned this week, but I think I’m going to get some rest, but do not worry! I will be blogging a lot more from here on out! I can’t tell yall everything, but I am going to try my best to give yall in detail, play by play, my experience here and how God is working on my heart and what He wants be to share with you! Please be praying for the team here, the Thai people, and the will of God on this Land. Talk to yall soon!

                                                                                                 Love, Peace, and Jesus